12 November 2024, 14:30

LOTFI GHAZI, Board Member (LG)

1. Welcome, call to order, and apologies for absence
2. Agenda amendments / additions.
3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting (N/A) and any matters arising.
4. Executive report 1. CEO (verbal)
5. Executive report 2. Founding Partner & Principal (verbal)
6. Strategic planning this AY 24/25 and next AY 25/26
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting dates and adjournment.

1. SP welcomed all Board members to first BCA in-person board meeting, called to order, and announced 100% attendance therefore no apologies for absence.
2. Agenda was approved and LG said he would bring up an item in AOB.
3. Previous meeting was informal and online, no minutes to approve all matters arising are covered in this meeting. Agenda was agreed.
4. LG gave a verbal CEO update commenting in particular on pupil roll, books situation (in customs) and resolution. Chrome books roll out and process to be followed, importance of following discipline policy. Presence of key senior management and availability for parents and teachers.
Action 1. Ensure future book deliveries do not get delayed at Algerian customs. (LG)
Action 2. Ensure chrome book roll out follow due process (AW)
Action 3. On site presence / availability of senior management to be addressed (AW)
5. AW gave a verbal Founding Partner & Principal update covering teaching, timetables, resources, teacher recruitment, new Head imminent arrival, local staffing, SEN, teacher training, staff development, class sizes and physical classroom space.
Action 4. Welcome new head and provide induction / orientation and introductions to staff, pupils, parents (AW)
Action 5. Appoint 2 SEN specialists to support number of registered SEN pupils at BCA (AW)
Action 6. Relocated classes of 24 to larger classrooms and repurpose Art rooms etc to large classroom use (AW)
Action 7. Arrange meeting with Pearson to look at international curriculum and local adaptation (AW & LG)
6. SP led discussion on the remainder of the AY 24/25 and importance of completing actions and preparation for January 25 term. Decision to defer AY 25/26 discussion to December board meeting.
7. LG & AW raised the issue of parent concerns on resources, communications, and suitable pupil homework. Group discussion followed with resolutions decided and parents to be updated as a priority.
Action 8. AW to communicate with parents on new Head, new teachers, and resource allocation once LG has resolved the latter.
8. Next BOARD MEETING mid-December (online) followed by in-person BOARD MEETING mid January 25.
SP thanked everyone for their time and Meeting adjourned at 18.00 

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